Carrie Allison is a food blogger, photography blogger, and my awesome sister. I decided to interview her! Here's the scoop:
Me: What's your favorite recipe to make?
Carrie: honey sesame chicken and rice.
Me: why do you like to cook?
Carrie: because it's therapeutic and and there's a lot of room for creativity
Me: favorite cookbooks?
Carrie: Everyday Italian, Mastering the Art of French Cooking, and Smitten Kitchen!
Me: favorite cooking tool?
Carrie: Kitchenaide anything!
Me: do you find it relaxing to cook?
Carrie: yes! (see question two)
Me: hobbies besides cooking?
Carrie: photography and drawing
Me: favorite color?
Carrie: blue and red
Me: favorite music?
Carrie: country!
Me: favorite item of clothing?
Carrie: jeans
Me: favorite book?
Carrie: Crazy Love by Francis Chan
Me: favorite movie or TV show?
Carrie: my favorite TV show is Castle, but I don't really have a favorite movie...
Me: OK, here's some Photography questions: what's your favorite type of camera?
Carrie: Canon
Me: do you find relaxing to be photographer?
Carrie: aw yeah!
Me: why?
Carrie: there's so many different ways of photography and there's so many different styles! It's so awesome!
Me: do you have a favorite photographer?
Carrie: Yes! Olivia Rae James. I think she's really talented.
Me: and lastly, what is your favorite thing to photograph?
Carrie: food!!
Thanks to Carrie for agreeing to do this!
Here is her blog URLs! I know you'll love them!
Photography blog:
Food blog: